Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blog about Twitter

I believe that twitting affords students the opportunity to comment in 140 characters. This format fosters precision, revision, and editing since the tweet is a short written expression that is instantaneous and reaches a huge audience. But blackboard discussion does not limit any words, you can put words as much as you want.

You are therefore restrained as to how extensive your examples that you are making can be. In our increasingly linguistically-diverse classes, with an in-class discussion, there is no comparison to being able to express yourself fully

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I thought that your comparison between twitter and blackboard was very well thought-out, because I do agree that you have to be more precise with Twitter updates due to the limitation on characters.
    I also understand your perspective on in-class discussions, because it is true that is would be more difficult for certain individuals to be able to express themselves, whether it is due to language barriers, shyness, or simply because they do not have their thoughts together at that time. Twitter offers the aspect of convenience because one can share their mind when the thought comes to them, unlike in classrooms.
